UML to LTS/FSP transformation analysis
Feasibility analysis of UML to LTS/FSP notation

We do case studies and surveys to analyze whether UML to LTS transformation is feasible or not.

How can we formally verify Deep Neural Network?

As AI is being increasingly adopted in industry and society, it is important to prove the robustness of the models before deploying them. In this article, we discuss how to do it.

Fortis user aspect
Extending Fortis from user perspective

PL and HCI are related. A strong correlation exist between PL and HCI. So we incorporate HCI into Fortis.

Make gnome hacky
Make Gnome Hacky!

Gnome is an easy-to-use user friendly window manager. It can also be easily customized to be as powerful as other customizable WMs. We show an example workflow here.

Personal deadlines to meet

Collection of deadlines I am trying to meet.

Make gnome hacky
What is intelligence?

In this article, we look at the relation between intelligence and emergent behavior. We finally hypothesize that emergent behaviors are essentially intelligence. So we are very close to creating natural intelligence.

Cultivation novel list
Daoist Cultivation Novels I have read... or a part of it

After 4 years, I have finally decided to log the progress of the novels I read. Better late than never I guess. And fellow daoist, if you wanna recommend me anything, feel free to email me!

Lightweigh Formal Method
Introduction to Lightweight Formal Methods

Formal methods is an extremely useful tool that has seen critical application in industry. However, the complexity is a barrier. So we opt for lightweight formal methods.

Chat apk
Host Small Language Model in your Low-End PC

OuteAI published 300M and 65M parameter models, available in both instruct and base versions. 300M models have the Mistral architecture and 65M models have LLaMa architecture. So it made me wonder - can we use it as a simple chat assistant for low-end devices?

NN Verification
Existing work on Formal Verification of DNN

Formal verification of DNN is a complex task. So it is necessary to properly define the state of the arts and methodologies for research community.

demo gui
EXWM minimum configuration for 2024

While quite hacky and often hard to use for some task, EXWM does come with some added benefits. The most important of it being - extremely lightweight. As someone with low-end PC, i use EXWM for this reason.

demo gui
Formally Verifuing Login system and redesigning it

Login systems are used everywhere. Depending on use case scenario, login systems are required to contain a certain level of robustness. So we formally define a login system and its safety property and try to formally redesign it. The redesings are currently only informative.

Introduction to TLA+

TLA+ is a famous formal specification language. It also creates sound thinking amoung users. Here we cover Leslie lamport's introduction to TLA+