(Latest) Received Seed Funding for project DuBTS

A preliminary grant sufficient for one quarter of R&D was provided to the team of DuBTS (DU Bus Tracking System) by Dr. Naushin Nower, University of Dhaka.

Samsung logo
(Latest) Received Advanced Research Fund from Samsung

A grant of 3MM/year was approved against my project proposal, which is equivalent to ~2700000 Taka. Further details are classified.

NSF Logo
Working on NSF Funded Project

NSF provides a grant on "An AI-driven COunseling System for Underrepresented Transfer Students". I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to work on this project under the supervision of Dr. Shebuti Rayana, Old Westbury SUNY. Grant details can be found here.

Event prize photo
1st Runners-Up in Blockchain Segment, ITVerse

In November, 2023, a inter-university event called ITVerse2.0 was organized in University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. My team placed 2nd in the Blockchain segment.

NDC Ideathon
2nd Runners-Up in Notre Dame Inter-University Ideathon Contest

In this prestigious ideathon contest 2023, we propose a solution to alleviating traffic jam problem by combinig existing solutions. Great team work and amazing hosts.

DL Sprint Picture
1st Runners-up in Deep Learning Sprint, BUET, Bangladesh

Our team placed 2nd in DL Sprint 2.0, organized by BUET 2023. We designed an ensemble for Bangla document layout parsing on BaDLAD dataset.

Chess prize
Rising Star in Internal Chess Contest

IIT, University of Dhaka organized an internal chess contest in 2020. I received the prize of Rising Star. It was my first achievement after entering university so its precious to me.

Chess prize
Organizer Souvenir, ITVerse 2.0

Our sponsor in ITVerse 2.0, Streamstech Private Ltd. gifted the organizers an amazing handkit. Very grateful for it!

Champion of Datathon, Coding Object Private Limited, India

In this day long datathong in 2020, invoving data processing and whitebox model training. My solution placed first among contestants from both Bangladesh and India.